Advanced Motor-Sports Didactics: The Embodied (Artificial) and Peripheral Vision


  • Arianna Fogliata università Pegaso
  • Antinea Ambretti università telematica pegaso


Parole chiave:

Educazione motorio-sportiva; Visione periferica; A.I. Embodied, Allenamento sportive; Competenze motorie


Background: The Sincrony Method, launched in Italy in 1991, is an innovative teaching methodology in the motor-sport sector. Connected with embodied cognition theory, it highlights the complex synergy between body and cognition as fundamental tools in learning. A key aspect of this approach is the interaction between peripheral visual capacity and body dynamics, particularly relevant in high-level sports education.

Methods: This study focuses on Artificial Intelligence Embodied in sports as a specialized device, aiming to train peripheral vision in real contexts. Over the past decade, integration of advanced technologies like video games or viewers has yielded mixed results, often due to lack of transferability. The application of new technologies directly in the real training environment could make motor learning more efficient.

Results and Conclusions: Although data is limited, the integration of Embodied A.I. to enhance peripheral vision is potentially enriching according to expert estimates. However, this technology, while deemed useful in motor learning evolution, cannot replace traditional teaching. The real challenge lies in integrating body, mind, environment, and technology in a holistic approach to refine technical skills while respecting individual uniqueness.

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Come citare

Fogliata, A., & Ambretti, A. (2024). Advanced Motor-Sports Didactics: The Embodied (Artificial) and Peripheral Vision. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(1).

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