Embodied education: promoting school well-being through sports activities


  • Davide Di Palma University of Naples "Parthenope"
  • Gianluca Gravino
  • Giovanna Scala
  • Alessia Castellano
  • Giovanni Tafuri




Any environmental context that includes socio-relational interactions has inherent in itself the challenge of creating a state of well-being for all the individuals that compose it. This concept takes on even more importance when referring to formal formative contexts that welcome very young students such as that of the Primary School, where educational growth cannot be separated from the presence of school well-being. The purpose of this contribution is to illustrate the concept of school well-being and then analyze whether an experimental approach, which enriches the training offer with a sports laboratory, can be an effective pedagogical strategy capable of improving the level of well-being of students. In this regard, at the primary school level, a didactic laboratory activity on minibasketball was provided and, through the QBS-B questionnaire, the change in the level of school well-being perceived by students from the “pre” Laboratory to the “Post” period was assessed, also in relation to a control group that has not adopted this experimental variant, continuing with the traditional training offer.

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Come citare

Di Palma, D., Gravino, G. ., Scala, G. ., Castellano, A. ., & Tafuri, G. . (2024). Embodied education: promoting school well-being through sports activities. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 3(4). https://doi.org/10.32043/jimtlt.v3i4.117

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