Embodied digital learning: New educational scenarios between artificial intelligence and the rediscovery of corporeality


  • Santolo Ciccarelli Università degli studi di Napoli Parthenope
  • Maria Giovanna Tafuri Pegaso University




Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming the educational landscape, with tools like Chat GPT attracting the interest of students and teachers. However, the trend towards digitized learning risks further distancing students from the bodily and sensory experience, which is critical for effective learning. In this presentation, we analyze the opportunities offered by AI for the personalization of learning, but also the risks of over-reliance on such tools. Through the presentation of an immersive teaching method, characterized by the use of game design techniques in a structured context such as school and based on embodied cognition theory, i.e. the body's ability to foster the learning process, the importance of integrating corporeality, perception and emotions into AI-enhanced learning is emphasized. It concludes by highlighting the key role of teachers in guiding students towards a conscious and profitable use of AI, without sacrificing the centrality of bodily experience in the construction of knowledge.

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Come citare

Ciccarelli, S., & Tafuri, M. G. . (2024). Embodied digital learning: New educational scenarios between artificial intelligence and the rediscovery of corporeality. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.32043/jimtlt.v4i1.130

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