The Utilization Of Peer Tutoring, Cooperative Learning, And Collaborative Learning Possesses Significant Implications For Mitigating The Anti-Social Conduct Of Adolescents Engaged In Schooling
The investigation examined the utilization of peer tutoring, cooperative learning, and collaborative learning as approaches to mitigate anti-social conduct among students in school. The research is a descriptive survey study. The research was conducted in the educational zone of Naples and Milan, located in Italy. The research sample comprised 200 teachers who were randomly chosen from four schools within the area. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the mean and standard deviation. The primary findings of the research indicate that educators possess knowledge about peer tutoring, cooperative learning, and collaborative teaching as strategies to reduce anti-social behavior among students in school, and to a significant degree, they are implementing these strategies in their classrooms. In light of these findings, recommendations were put forth.
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