Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on inclusive processes of workers with disabilities


  • Francesca Latino Pegaso University
  • Francesco Tafuri University of Study Niccolò Cusano
  • Federica Badii Esposito Laboratory of “Pedagogy and Didactics for Inclusion and Training in Formal and Non-Formal Contexts”, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”


Parole chiave:

Workers with Disabilities, Special Education, Anti-Discrimination Measures, Inclusive Leadership, Disability Management


The research conducted involved an international systematic literature review (SLR) on the topic of integrating workers with disabilities into organizations. Through the selection of 32 studies, the SLR was able to identify numerous variables associated with inclusion, including organizational practices, organizational support, organizational culture and climate, anti-discrimination measures, presence of inclusive leadership that offers support and adaptation of people to their Work. To compile the relevant articles, an RSL-specific methodology was employed. Subsequently, the articles were prioritized and examined in relation to relevant academic literature. Consequently, the research conducted has highlighted the crucial variables relating to the integration of people with disabilities into organisations, both in an academic environment where studies on the subject are scarce or limited, and in a professional context where people with people with disabilities are twice as likely to be unemployed as the average worker. Finally, the analyzed research demonstrates the potential significance of these variables for managers and HR leaders in implementing a tailored HR policy.

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Come citare

Latino, F., Tafuri, F., & Badii Esposito, F. (2024). Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on inclusive processes of workers with disabilities. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(2).