Theoretical Review On Inclusive Education For Children With Special Educational Needs: From The Main Teaching Techniques To The Innovative Aspects Of Neuropedagogy
The significance of the subject lies in the characterization of the neuropedagogical aspect pertaining to mental and pedagogical methodologies for instructing children with special educational requirements. The paper comprises a theoretical examination of the discussions on this subject, the clarification of the term "inclusive education", the fundamental principles of educating students with restricted abilities; the neuropedagogical facet of mental and pedagogical methodologies in teaching children with special educational requirements. The comprehension of the concept of inclusive education has been explored, the relevant literature sources on this subject have been consolidated. Based on the findings, the conclusion has been drawn that a critical evaluation of conventional methods in the neuropedagogical domain of cognitive and educational strategies for instructing children with special educational requirements is imperative. The research highlights that within the realm of teacher training for educational practitioners, the utilization of teaching methodologies tailored for children with special educational needs may enhance the assimilation of such children into the educational framework. The foundational premise of inclusion lies in the recognition of individual student capabilities. As a result, the educational system should be structured to effectively address the unique educational requirements of every student.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Giovanni Tafuri, Giovanna Scala, Giovanna Di Lorenzo, Gianluca Gravino
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