Taking Care Of Training For Special Education Teachers Through A Flipped Learning Approach
https://doi.org/10.32043/jimtlt.v4i2.180Parole chiave:
Flipped Learning, Special Education, Teacher Preparation, Engagement, Active Learning.Abstract
Flipped learning, a widely used pedagogical strategy, lacks extensive research regarding its efficacy in the context of preparing special education teachers. Candidates in special education participated actively in interactive, flipped learning sessions prior to attending classes for a specialized math methods course. During class, they engaged in lesson planning and additional activities. The researchers employed various research methodologies to evaluate the effectiveness of these learning sessions on student performance and engagement. Their findings revealed positive correlations between student achievement and the flipped lessons across all assessment tasks. The vast majority of students acknowledged the benefits of flipped learning in assisting them in attaining the course objectives. Students largely credited their academic progress to the flipped lessons, as they provided them with the opportunity to interact with course materials at their own pace and utilize class time for more substantial review and extension activities under the guidance of the instructor.
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