If you do not occlude, include.


  • Maria Forina Pegaso University
  • Simona Iannaccone Pegaso University
  • Clorinda Sorrentino Pegaso University
  • Angelina Vivona Pegaso University

Parole chiave:

Inclusion, school, didactics, education, learning, competence, skill, knowledge, Gifted Students; Special Educational Needs.


Inclusion is the idea of making schools a welcoming place for students with disabilities
and their families. Italian school is committed to promoting inclusion and integration of people and
cultures. Inclusion requires the school and the family to work together to promote learning by
collaborating with the community and by identifying resources to implement school curriculum,
family practices, and student learning and development.
A good inclusion project that involves booth schools and families is attentive to diversity, whatever
it may be. Not only that: the school that moves in an inclusive way prevents discomfort, identifies
the difficulties early and works to contain them and not to feed them. The life project of the students
represents a social value if looked at in a forward-looking key, therefore, every school, in harmony
with the families, should adopt the idea that the pain of the students, when there are discomforts,
manifests itself with many voices. H. Gardner usually states that good inclusive teaching
differentiates learning styles and looks at the different forms of intelligence. (Gardner, 2005)
“The path towards an inclusive school must live on alliances, synergies, forces aimed at a common
purpose, despite their respective differences” (Cornoldi, 2008)

Riferimenti bibliografici

Booth T., Ainscow M., (2008), Inedx for Inclusion, Erkson, Trento

Byung-Chul Han, (2022), Le non cose. Come abbiamo smesso di vivere il reale, Einaudi, Torino

Byung-Chul Han, (2017), L' espulsione dell'Altro. Società, percezione e comunicazione oggi, Nottetempo, Milano

Cornoldi C., (2008) Difficoltà e disturbi dell’apprendimento, Il Mulino, Bologna

Dewey J. (1949), Democrazia ed Educazione, La nuova Italia, Firenze

Forina M, (2008), Dalla lettura come esperienza alla scrittura creativa. Fondamenti psicologici, emotivi per un apprendimento efficace, Edizioni Paoline / San Paolo, Milano

Gardner H., (2005), Educazione e sviluppo della mente. Intelligenze multiple e apprendimento, Erikson, Trento

Goleman D. (1995), Intelligenza emotiva. Che cos'è e perché può renderci felici, Rizzoli libri, Segrate (MI)

Marcuse H., (1999), L’uomo a una dimensione, Einaudi, Torino

Perissinotto A., Bruschi B., 2020, Didattica a distanza. Com'è, come potrebbe essere, Edizioni Laterza, Roma

Simon, Herbert A (1971), Designing Organizations for an Information-rich World. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, Archived from the original on 6 October 2020. Retrieved 28 October 2020.

Wilson G.B. (Ed.), (1996) Constructivist learning environments: Case studies in instructional design. En-glewood Cliffs NJ: Educational Technology Publications.


Aktion T4, lo sterminio nazista dei disabili: prima degli ebrei, ci furono loro


Alleanza educativa scuola famiglia: https://www.invalsiopen.it/alleanza-educativa-scuola-famiglia/

Golden Ratio: https://www.britannica.com/science/golden-ratio

Didattica inclusiva https://www.scuola.net/news/396/i-pilastri-della-didattica-inclusiva

E-learning e Digital divide https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/elea.2007.4.2.138


INDICAZIONI NAZIONALI per il Curricolo della Scuola dell’Infanzia e del Primo Ciclo d’Istruzione- settembre 2012 : https://www.miur.gov.it/documents/20182/51310/DM+254_2012.pdf/1f967360-0ca6-48fb-95e9-c15d49f18831?version=1.0&t=1480418494262

Kindness on purpose https://school-bs.com/page/2/

Raccomandazione del Consiglio Europeo del 22 maggio 2018 https://scuola2030.indire.it/portfolio/competenze-chiave-per-lapprendimento-permanente-raccomandazione-del-consiglio-europeo-del-22-maggio-2018-testo-rilevante-ai-fini-del-see-2018-c-189-01/




Come citare

Forina, M. ., Iannaccone, S., Sorrentino, C., & Vivona, A. (2024). If you do not occlude, include. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(2sup). Recuperato da https://inclusiveteaching.it/index.php/inclusiveteaching/article/view/181