The student with complex disabilities at school: educational and didactic intake from an inclusive perspective.
Parole chiave:
scuola, disabilità complesse, inclusione, accessibilitàAbstract
Starting from the analysis of recent Istat data from 2024, we explore the emerging challenges associated with the inclusion of students with complex disabilities in the school system. First and foremost, it is necessary to create an accessible physical, educational, and social environment for students with complex disabilities. In this sense, crucial is the role of multidisciplinary collaboration and the school community in fostering an inclusive environment. This aspect requires close cooperation between the school, family, and professionals to ensure effective and individualized paths. Finally, we delve into the vital role of teachers in promoting an inclusive classroom environment and managing students’ social interactions. In addition, to address the obstacles to school inclusion for students with complex disabilities, training for teaching staff is vital. This paper underscores the need for further research and interventions to tackle these challenges and enhance the educational experience of students with complex disabilities in mainstream education.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ilaria D'Angelo, Noemi Del Bianco, Simone Aparecida Capellini, Catia
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