Pre-service Teachers’ Values and Classroom Management Styles for Inclusive Education: An Exploratory Study
Parole chiave:
Teacher’s Values; Classroom Management Styles; Inclusive Education; Special Pedagogy.Abstract
This study aims to explore pre-service teachers' classroom management styles and investigate their relationship with their value priorities. Specifically, starting from the Theory of the Universal Structure of Human Values [1], it is hypothesized that the value dimensions of Self-Transcendence and Openness to Change correlate positively with the authoritative management style of teachers [2]. The research involved 715 pre-service teachers (M=276/F=439) enrolled in the University of Salerno’s TFA support specialization course (Italy) in the academic year 2022/2023. The Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ-RR) [3] and the Classroom Management Profile [2] were administered. The statistical analysis using Multiple Linear Regression confirms a significant positive relationship between the variables. The results of this study suggest considering classroom management styles and values in professional development programs for implementing inclusive educational policies [4] and considering training opportunities for future teachers [5].
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