Enhancing emotional regulation in ECEC and preschools with the adoption of G-ESDM strategies


  • Emanuela Zappalà University of Salerno
  • Irene Russo Every Child
  • Cynthia Zierhut-Ursu Every Child
  • Paola Aiello Università degli Studi di Salerno

Parole chiave:

G-ESDM, Strategie di regolazione emotiva, ASD, Inclusione


The Early Start Denver Model and its group adaptation, the Group-based Early Start Denver Model (G-ESDM), are naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions designed to enhance emotional regulation, social communication, and overall developmental outcomes for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This study discusses the educational potential of the G-ESDM, focusing on practical strategies that teachers and educators can adopt to support the emotional and social development of children with ASD. To address this purpose the paper explores how these models integrate co-regulation and self-regulation strategies to create supportive learning environments. The G-ESDM emphasizes the importance of understanding emotional arousal and regulation to optimize learning and social engagement. Implementing these strategies in early childhood education ensures that children with ASD can participate meaningfully in classroom activities, interact positively with peers, and benefit from the educational experience.

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Come citare

Zappalà, E., Russo, I. ., Zierhut-Ursu, C., & Aiello, P. (2024). Enhancing emotional regulation in ECEC and preschools with the adoption of G-ESDM strategies. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(2sup). Recuperato da https://inclusiveteaching.it/index.php/inclusiveteaching/article/view/205

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