Teachers' Continuing Professional Development to Promote Well-Being and Prevent Bullying: An Ex-ploratory/Comparative Study of Schools Between Germany and Italy


  • Francesca Latino Pegaso University
  • Generoso Romano University oF Napoly Parthenope
  • Stefano Cataldi University of Napoli Parthenope
  • Francesco Tafuri Niccolò Cusano University

Parole chiave:

Pedagogy, lifelong learning; professional development; formation


In recent years, schools, both in Italy and in many other European and non-European countries, seem to be hit by particularly urgent educational problems: the spread of bullying, an increase in conduct and aggression disorders even in younger age groups, social inhibition. Bullying and Cyberbullying, in particular, are extremely serious social phenomena so much so that they are now considered an international health problem due to the consequences of the suffering suffered by the victim. To effectively combat this worrying phenomenon, it is essential that teachers are well trained and equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to recognize and address unlawful behavior in the classroom. In this direction, the aim of this work is to deepen and analyze the phenomenon of Bullying and Cyberbullying in the light of the new training of the teacher. The ultimate goal is, in fact, to encourage an increase in the awareness of the entire educational community to the emergency of the phenomenon of youth violence, and to the need to implement concrete interventions that allow it to be contrasted and reduced.

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Come citare

Latino, F., Romano, G., Cataldi, S., & Tafuri, F. (2024). Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development to Promote Well-Being and Prevent Bullying: An Ex-ploratory/Comparative Study of Schools Between Germany and Italy. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(2sup). Recuperato da https://inclusiveteaching.it/index.php/inclusiveteaching/article/view/222