From game to videogame: the didactic design between real and virtual game in an inclusive and simplexity way
Parole chiave:
videogame; edugame; inclusion; simplexity; didactic designAbstract
The present paper analyzes the role of game in inclusive educational design, comparing the perceptions of future special needs teachers concerning real and virtual games as educational tools. Traditionally considered a means of learning, game promotes students' emotional and social development and their ability to solve problems, as highlighted in the National Guidelines for the Curriculum (MIUR, 2012). In recent years, the growing relevance of virtual game, mediated by digital devices, has opened up new opportunities for interaction and distance learning. The research, specifically, involved 178 students from the University of Salerno, who completed a semi-structured questionnaire in march 2024, selecting real and virtual games useful for pupils with Special Educational Needs and motivating their choices. The analysis of the data, conducted through a thematic approach (Braun & Clarke, 2012) and with the help of MAXQDA, aims to highlight similarities and differences between the games proposed, identifying the characteristics and motivations behind the choices made, silhouetted in the theoretical matrix of simplexity, a possible paradigm through which to promote effective and meaningful inclusive education.
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