Gamification in primary school: “return to deir el-medina”
Parole chiave:
gamification, inclusion, educationAbstract
Several research studies show how the integration of video games in school environments can improve students' motivation and engagement, thus enhancing their learning (Papadakis, 2018) (Rosas et al., 2002) (Lowry et al., 1951). Furthermore, introducing gamification elements within educational contexts can effectively motivate students and actively involve them in the learning process (Castrillón & Moreno, 2019) (Rosas et al., 2002).
This paper will illustrate the use of video games, gamification in the classroom, and the close relationship between immersive realities, video games, and museums. Through some theoretical models that, as Gee points out, see video games as a tool capable of stimulating processes of problem-solving, decision making, and creativity, fostering the development of complex cognitive skills (Castrillón & Moreno, 2019)(Papadakis, 2018), specific case and some gamification techniques used will then be presented. In particular, the video game ‘Return to Deir el-Medina’ developed within the virtual tour for children of the Egyptian Museum in Turin, in which Aida the young protagonist, an aspiring archaeologist, will find herself in the ancient village of Deir el-Medina and will guide the player in an adventure full of mysteries. Through quizzes, challenges and dialogue with real-life characters, the player will piece together the pieces of a mysterious amulet. From a purely methodological point of view, our reflection pursues principles of research linked to ‘inclusive educational contexts’ (Corona, De Giuseppe, 2015), to the dimension of the ‘educational video game’ (Di Tore, P.A., Di Tore, S., Mangione, GR, & Corona, F., 2014), to ‘Learning by Gaming’ (Di Tore, 2023) and to the principles of ‘educational interaction’ (Sibilio, 2020). In conclusion, using video games and gamification in primary school represents a promising strategy to improve student engagement and learning, although it requires careful design and appropriate teacher training to maximize the benefits and reduce the possible risks. the benefits and reduce the possible risks. (Lowry et al., 1951) (Castrillón & Moreno, 2019) (Rosas et al., 2002) (Papadakis, 2018).
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