Latin teaching, edugame and inclusion: what interconnection?
In recent years, the scientific debate has emphasized the formative importance of studying the Latin language, not only as a means of improving mastery of one's mother tongue but also as a tool for personal development and critical awareness.
However, despite widespread agreement on the educational and formative value of Latin, its teaching faces significant challenges, such as a progressive decline in interest among students, society, and politicymakers in countries like Italy, other parts of Europe, and the United States. Furthermore, Latin studies are often viewed as outdated and impractical. Considering that teaching Latin requires a strong focus on student-centered approaches and their specific needs to achieve authentic learning and recognizing the necessity for more effective inclusive teaching strategies for Latin, the aim of this paper is to conduct a systematic review of the literature on how gamification supports Latin learning from an inclusive perspective.
Following the steps of research, selection, data extraction, and analysis, it emerges that gamification promotes Latin learning. Although there are no explicit studies addressing inclusion, it can be inferred that a gamified approach to Latin positively impacts students in terms of motivation, engagement, and satisfaction.
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