Directivity and Modifiability in video-game environments for learning. Two paradigmatic cases compared
Parole chiave:
Ambienti videoludici, Costruzionismo, Game-based LearningAbstract
This paper presents a theoretical framework for the analysis of video-gaming environments through the study of two paradigmatic cases. It is necessary to update the approaches to Game Based Learning in the light, in particular, of two directions of the evolution of video-games: the exploration of open worlds and the renewed interest towards constructionism. Two paradigmatic environments, Assassin’s Creed and Minecraft respectively, are analyzed in this context with a qualitative approach, referring to two versions specifically designed to facilitate learning: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Discovery Tour and Minecraft Education. The analysis focuses in particular on the dimensions of directivity, that is, the freedom granted to the players in determining their actions along alternative paths for problem solving, and on modifiability, ability to express oneself through the game. As is the case in constructionist environments, Minecraft (Education), with its high modifiability, is able to develop creativity, but it requires the teacher to clarify the objectives, giving instructions on the direction to follow, making explicit the possibilities, with an important scaffolding role; in the case of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Discovery Tour, given the low modifiability, we suggest the teacher should balance the activity by introducing personalized and collaborative elements.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Michele Sardo, Domenico Morreale, Francesco Claudio Ugolini

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