Evaluating and improving Perspective-Taking skill in pupils with ASD using an edugame: a case study


  • Emanuela Zappalà Università degli Studi di Salerno
  • Veronica Beatini University of Salerno
  • Lucia Campitiello University of Salerno
  • Stefano Di Tore University of Salerno

Parole chiave:

Perspective-taking, Edugame, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Social skills, Empathy


Several studies have shown that edugames can be considered an innovative educational tool to promote the acquisition of various skills, including academic, social, and motor skills. However, there is a notable lack of educational tools specifically designed to develop visuospatial perspective-taking (VPT), a key skill for STEM and socio-emotional competencies. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of the Virtual Classroom edugame as a tool for assessing VPT skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). By analyzing data from a sample of 10 children the research explores the ability of Virtual Classroom to measure VPT accurately and reliably. It also examines performance differences among the children, aiming to identify cognitive strategies and insights into how the game can support educational interventions for students with ASD.

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Come citare

Zappalà, E., Beatini, V., Campitiello, L. ., & Di Tore, S. (2025). Evaluating and improving Perspective-Taking skill in pupils with ASD using an edugame: a case study. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(3). Recuperato da https://inclusiveteaching.it/index.php/inclusiveteaching/article/view/237

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