Narrating beings between the visible and the invisible: Metaverse and Word


  • Vincenza Barra University of Salerno, Italy
  • Maria Annarumma University of Salerno, Italy


Parole chiave:

Corporeality, Metaverse, narration, paradigms, technologies


The dimension of the Metaverse will determine a new form of “invisibility” sign of an existence that goes beyond the body to become a stream of consciousness, of thought, of ideas. The destiny of Homo technologicus will be defined, in his ability to face a different experientiality given by the digital ecosystem with an “ethics of conscience”.

All the discoveries have led to revolutions and paradigm shifts. Now we are faced with another question, if virtuality will prevail in the world, what will be the role of corporeality? In this futuristic vision that smacks of science fiction, the fate of the world and of each of its inhabitants lies in the exclusively human ability to narrate oneself.

Narrative, in all its forms from the more structured to the freer ones, softens the impact of the feeling of shock one feels in the face of the unknown, it is like a “buffer” that is placed between oneself and the extraordinary situation. The word is the only powerful tool that man has. The word will save us. The body, the brain, the mind will experience new knowledge because the technological process is unstoppable. Through technologies, the same narration, which represents our essence, the flow of our thought, takes on a new guise. Although it is an individual expression, it strips itself of time and space to redefine the uniqueness of the human dimension: we are our words.

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Come citare

Barra, V., & Annarumma, M. (2023). Narrating beings between the visible and the invisible: Metaverse and Word. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 3(1).

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