Using Chat Gpt To Decode Emotional And Semiotic Elements In Narrative Autobiographies Of Higher Education Students


  • Marilena di Padova Università di Foggia
  • Andrea Tinterri Università Telematica IUL
  • Angelo Basta Università di Foggia
  • Delio De Martino Università di Foggia
  • Anna Dipace Università Telematica Pegaso


Parole chiave:

artificial intelligence, education, autobiography, Floch's square


This study aims to investigate narrative autobiography as an educational tool of communication and self-expression suitable in a university context. The analysis of the contributions was conducted by proposing a model adapted to the Floch Square, with the use of ChatGpt’s data analysis features to support teachers in understanding the emotional sphere and delivering effective feedback.  The use of artificial intelligence can accelerate the analysis by providing an overview of the language choices and emotional inclinations of the students' stories. This overview can help teachers make quick and effective pedagogical decisions.

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Come citare

di Padova, M., Tinterri, A., Basta, A., De Martino, D., & Dipace, A. (2024). Using Chat Gpt To Decode Emotional And Semiotic Elements In Narrative Autobiographies Of Higher Education Students . Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(1).