A.T.E.N.A.: Embodied theory in Augmented Reality applied in didactics
https://doi.org/10.32043/jimtlt.v3i4.121Parole chiave:
manipulation, innovative lessons, visuo spatial memory, semantic memoryAbstract
A.T.E.N.A. represents the evolution of a project that originated earlier, aiming to investigate the use of augmented reality to support education in order to enhance learning processes and consequently academic performance. The research conducted so far, involving university students engaged in acquiring neural correlates related to motor, linguistic, mnemonic and emotional processes, has demonstrated a 40% improvement in learning processes. The proposed contribution aligns within the perspective of embodied cognition, where the role of purposeful gesture becomes crucial. This is because it seeks to harness the potential of motor acts and, consequently, brain activation at the motor cortex level, in synergy with frontal and prefrontal activation, generating greater synaptic connection to support the learning process. In light of this, the research hypothesis aims to explore the real connection between the potential of purposeful gesture to facilitate the manipulation of the studied object and the generation of a more meaningful learning process, specifically in the mnemonic component, through the use of Augmented Reality.
Riferimenti bibliografici
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Cipollone, E., Lembo, L., Monteleone, S., Oliva, P., Peluso Cassese, F.: (2023) Augmented didactic: an interdisciplinary approach to assessing augmented reality in learning. Pratica - E- learning. 6(3), 83-94
Lembo, L., Cipollone, E., Oliva, P.: (2023). Augmented Didactic: Augmented Reality for Learning and Motivation through a multidisciplinary approach. Isyde 2023 (printing)
Cipollone, E., Lembo, L., Monteleone, S., Oliva, P., Peluso Cassese, F.: « Augmented Didactic: the Potential of Gesture in Mobile Learning to Enhance Learning, (Printing)
Kranzler, J., Granville Floyd R., Kilpatrick Demaray, M.: (2020) Past, present and Future of research in school psychology: the biopsychosocial ecological model as an overarching framework. School Psy-chology Quarterly 35(6).
Giorda, C, Rosmo,C (2021). Il ruolo dell'ambiente nell'apprendimento. L'educazione geografica fra neuroscienze, place-based e outdoor education, Ambiente, Società, Territorio, 3(12).
Panciroli C., Macauda A., (2018). Educazione al patrimonio e realtà aumentata: quali prospettive?. Italian journal of Educational Research, 11(20), 47-62.
Peluso Cassese F., Lembo L. (2023). Manuale di didattica generale e neurodidattica, Roma: Edicusano.
Gomez-Paloma F, Ianes D., Tafuri D. (2017). Embodied Cognition: theories and application in education sciences, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
Tsulaia N. (2023). Constructivism as a theory of learning (fundationa and significance). Basics of Learning the Lates Theories and Method, Boston.
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Tarasenko, R. (2022) The Use of AR elements in the study of foreing languages at the university, arXiv preprint.
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Marstaller, L., Burianovà H. (2016). Invididual differences in the gesture effect on working memory,» Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 1(1076), 115.
Hanning, NM, Jonikaitis D. (2016). Oculomotor selection underlies feature retention in visual working memory. Journal of Neurophysiology, 115, 1071-1076.
Ohl S, Rolfs, M. (2018). Saccadic eye movements impose a natural bottleneck on visual short term memory. J. Exp. Psychol. Learn. Mem. Cogn, 43, 736-748.
Heuer, H, Crawford, JD. (2017). Action relevance induces an attentional weighting of representations in visual working memory,» Mem Cofgni, 45, 413-427.
Hanning NM, Deubel, H., (2018). Independent affects of eye and hand movements on visual working memory. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 12(37).
Lim K., Lim, R. (2020). Semiotics, memory and augmented reality: history education with learner-generated augmentation. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(3), 673-691.
Squires, (2011)., Working memory & augmented reality's trajectory: a literature review of ar in education, online learning, workforce training, and working memory research, Journal of Educational Technology, 14(3).
Nicoletti N, RumiatiR, (2011). I processi cognitivi, Milano: Il Mulino.
Peluso Cassese F., Cipollone E., (2022). Manuale di Didattica e Neuroscienze - seconda edizione, Roma: Edicusano.
Imenkamp, I., (2022). An AR User Interface for the Evaluation of Visuospatial Abilities, Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2022, 219-228.
Altmeyer K., Kapp, S., Thees, M., Malone, S., Kuhn J., Brunken, R., (2020). The use of augmented reality to foster conceptual knowledge acquisition in STEM laboratory courses - theoretical background and empirical result British journal of Educational Technology, 51(3), 611-628.
Buchner,J., Buntins K.,Kerres, M. (2022). The impact of augmented reality on cognitive lead and performance: A systematic review,» Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38(1), 285-303.
Gargrish, S., Mantri A., Deepti, P. (2020).Augmented reality-based learning environment to enhance teaching-learning experience in geometry education. Procedia Computer Science, 1039-1046.
Lembo, L., Cipollone, E., Oliva, P., Monteleone, S.: (2023), Augmented Didactic: wow effect for learning. Use of augmented reality through a qr code to enhance learning processes in undergraduates. Italian journal of health education, sport and inclusive didactics, 7(2).
Cipollone, E., Lembo, L., Monteleone, S., Oliva, P., Peluso Cassese, F.: (2023) Augmented didactic: an interdisciplinary approach to assessing augmented reality in learning. Pratica - E- learning. 6(3), 83-94
Lembo, L., Cipollone, E., Oliva, P.: (2023). Augmented Didactic: Augmented Reality for Learning and Motivation through a multidisciplinary approach. Isyde 2023 (printing)
Cipollone, E., Lembo, L., Monteleone, S., Oliva, P., Peluso Cassese, F.: « Augmented Didactic: the Potential of Gesture in Mobile Learning to Enhance Learning, (Printing)
Kranzler, J., Granville Floyd R., Kilpatrick Demaray, M.: (2020) Past, present and Future of research in school psychology: the biopsychosocial ecological model as an overarching framework. School Psy-chology Quarterly 35(6).
Giorda, C, Rosmo,C (2021). Il ruolo dell'ambiente nell'apprendimento. L'educazione geografica fra neuroscienze, place-based e outdoor education, Ambiente, Società, Territorio, 3(12).
Panciroli C., Macauda A., (2018). Educazione al patrimonio e realtà aumentata: quali prospettive?. Italian journal of Educational Research, 11(20), 47-62.
Peluso Cassese F., Lembo L. (2023). Manuale di didattica generale e neurodidattica, Roma: Edicusano.
Gomez-Paloma F, Ianes D., Tafuri D. (2017). Embodied Cognition: theories and application in education sciences, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
Tsulaia N. (2023). Constructivism as a theory of learning (fundationa and significance). Basics of Learning the Lates Theories and Method, Boston.
Tomassoni R.(2021). The instrumental function of "augmented reality" in the processes of representation, transmission and construction of knowledge, MeTis, 11(1).
Tarasenko, R. (2022) The Use of AR elements in the study of foreing languages at the university, arXiv preprint.
Ibili, E.(2019). Effect of augmented reality environments on cognitive load: pedagogical effect, instructional design, motivation and interaction interfaces, International Journa of Progressive Education, 15(5), 42-57.
Gomez-Paloma, F., Angelino, F., Pastena, G. Raiola, M., Lipoma, D, Tafuri, D. (2016). Il corpo come mediatore didattico nell'apprendimento della letto-scrittura.,» L'integrazione scolastica e sociale, 15(2).
De Freitas, M., Piai,V., Farias, R., De Moraes, R. (2022). Artificial Intelligence of things applied to assistive technology: a systematic literature review, Sensors, 22(21), 8531.
Marstaller, L., Burianovà H. (2016). Invididual differences in the gesture effect on working memory,» Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 1(1076), 115.
Hanning, NM, Jonikaitis D. (2016). Oculomotor selection underlies feature retention in visual working memory. Journal of Neurophysiology, 115, 1071-1076.
Ohl S, Rolfs, M. (2018). Saccadic eye movements impose a natural bottleneck on visual short term memory. J. Exp. Psychol. Learn. Mem. Cogn, 43, 736-748.
Heuer, H, Crawford, JD. (2017). Action relevance induces an attentional weighting of representations in visual working memory,» Mem Cofgni, 45, 413-427.
Hanning NM, Deubel, H., (2018). Independent affects of eye and hand movements on visual working memory. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 12(37).
Lim K., Lim, R. (2020). Semiotics, memory and augmented reality: history education with learner-generated augmentation. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(3), 673-691.
Squires, (2011)., Working memory & augmented reality's trajectory: a literature review of ar in education, online learning, workforce training, and working memory research, Journal of Educational Technology, 14(3).
Nicoletti N, RumiatiR, (2011). I processi cognitivi, Milano: Il Mulino.
Peluso Cassese F., Cipollone E., (2022). Manuale di Didattica e Neuroscienze - seconda edizione, Roma: Edicusano.
Imenkamp, I., (2022). An AR User Interface for the Evaluation of Visuospatial Abilities, Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2022, 219-228.
Altmeyer K., Kapp, S., Thees, M., Malone, S., Kuhn J., Brunken, R., (2020). The use of augmented reality to foster conceptual knowledge acquisition in STEM laboratory courses - theoretical background and empirical result British journal of Educational Technology, 51(3), 611-628.
Buchner,J., Buntins K.,Kerres, M. (2022). The impact of augmented reality on cognitive lead and performance: A systematic review,» Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38(1), 285-303.
Gargrish, S., Mantri A., Deepti, P. (2020).Augmented reality-based learning environment to enhance teaching-learning experience in geometry education. Procedia Computer Science, 1039-1046.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Elèna Cipollone, Luna Lembo, Stefania Morsanuto, Francesco Peluso Cassese

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