Simplexity As A Possible Operational Guide For The Non-Linear Organization Of A Playful-Musical Laboratory: Results Of An Experimental Research


  • Alessio Di Paolo Department of Human, Philosophical and Education Sciences, University of Salerno
  • Maurizio Sibilio Department of Human, Philosophical and Education Sciences, University of Salerno


Parole chiave:

simplexity; playful-musical workshop; non-linearity; music; creativity.


The paper aims to show the results of an experimental research conducted with a sample of 353 students attending specialization courses for support activities for students with disabilities at the University of Salerno. Specifically, the workshop tried to operate on the exercise of rules and properties of simplexity to deconstruct linear teaching in favor of a non-linear approach, while also favoring the development of creativity and enhancing divergent thinking. To verify the actual effectiveness of the didactic action, a questionnaire consisting of 32 items, both incoming and outgoing, was administered and the appropriate correlations between data were verified. The results show that the intervention in a simple key has favored a change in the way of seeing teaching, favoring the deviation in the action concerning linearity.

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Come citare

Di Paolo, A., & Sibilio, M. (2024). Simplexity As A Possible Operational Guide For The Non-Linear Organization Of A Playful-Musical Laboratory: Results Of An Experimental Research. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(2).

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