The impact of Artificial intelligence in democratic education: Decidim, flipped inclusion and the challenges of inclusion


  • Tonia De Giuseppe


Parole chiave:

Artificial intelligence; Democratic education; Inclusion


A State can declare itself democratic, if it substantiates its being a guarantor of universal rights, in terms of pro-active co-participation and informed decisions (Davies, Harber, & Schweisfurth, 2002). Training individuals and communities to develop a culture of rights and responsibilities (Vorhaus, 2005) based on co-responsible policy models requires ethical education in interconnection, active citizenship, equal access to participatory instrumentalities (Davies, Harber , & Schweisfurth, 2002). How could the use of artificial intelligence revolutionize informed democratic participation? Decidim (Aragón et al., 2017), a platform created by the Barcelona municipal government in 2016, uses AI to filter and analyze citizen information, promoting transparency and inclusion. This technology enables more accessible and inclusive engagement by integrating community voices into the political decision-making sphere (Severino 2022) and represents an excellent example of how AI can be leveraged to foster more informed and inclusive democratic participation. In this direction, democratic education requires perspectives of systemic inclusiveness: the Flipped Inclusion model (Corona & De Giuseppe, 2015), promoting democratic values for an inclusive-prosocial community, invests in training for conscious self-determination (De Giuseppe, 2020 ). The challenge is to experiment with the application of the Decidim platform using the simple structural architecture of the Flipped Inclusion model.

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Come citare

De Giuseppe, T. (2024). The impact of Artificial intelligence in democratic education: Decidim, flipped inclusion and the challenges of inclusion. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(1).

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