E-Sport and flipped inclusion between gamification and system learn-ing: research guidelines.


  • Enzapaola Catalano Unipegaso
  • Maria Carbone UNiversità Pegaso
  • Tonia De Giuseppe Università Giustino Fortunato
  • Sabrina Lucilla Barone UNiversità Pegaso

Parole chiave:

Gamification, Inclusion, Education, e-Sport, Flipped Inclusion


eSports are generically defined as competitive video games, but also “a form of sport in which the primary aspects of sport are facilitated by electronic systems; player and team inputs as well as eSport system outputs are mediated by human-computer interfaces” (Hamari & Sjoblom, 2017, p. 213). Cross-media technologies, which externalize and accelerate cognitive abilities through social networks and gaming platforms, contribute to the co-generation of complex forms of exchange, interaction, collaboration, and co-production of thoughts in action (De Giuseppe, T., Delello, J., & Corona, F., 2020). This immersive approach has underscored the educational need to reconsider the use of shared play spaces, including reflecting on eco-sustainability with regard to the mass application of ludic media and typologies such as eSports. These have great potential to impact life patterns and require careful reinvestment in an authentic time pedagogy. Flipped inclusion for its mission of systemic inclusion, represents a possible model of application and amplification of the logic of gamification in academic teaching (Di Tore, S., 2023) also through the dimension of eSports.

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Come citare

Catalano, E., Carbone, M., De Giuseppe, T., & Barone, S. L. (2025). E-Sport and flipped inclusion between gamification and system learn-ing: research guidelines. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(3). Recuperato da https://inclusiveteaching.it/index.php/inclusiveteaching/article/view/229

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