Praxeology, Inclusion, and Teaching: A Field Stud


  • Antinea Ambretti università telematica pegaso
  • Giuseppe Desideri Segretario generale UMEC
  • Arianna Fogliata università Vanvitelli & Università telematica Pegaso


Parole chiave:

Centratura, Educazione fisica, Stabilità, Salute psicosociale, Adolescenza.


Background: This study examines the effect of Centratura in physical education on adolescents, investigating its impact on balance and psychological parameters such as stress perception and the inclination to share with peer groups. Centratura, according to the Synchrony Method of movement education, affects intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and the bodily experience.

Methods: We compared a control group, which followed a program of traditional exercises, with an experimental group, which incorporated Centratura into their 6-week physical education program. To evaluate the effects, we used the Stork Balance Test to measure physical balance and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), supplemented by a qualitative question about the willingness to socialize, to assess perceived stress.

Results: The results showed that the experimental group recorded significant improvements in balance. Additionally, we observed a reduction in perceived stress levels and an increase in the propensity to socialize among participants.

Conclusions: The conclusions of our study suggest that integrating Centratura into physical education can have beneficial effects not only on the physical balance of adolescents but also on their psychological well-being and social interaction skills.

Biografie autore

Antinea Ambretti, università telematica pegaso

Coordinatore scientifico del lavoro, ha curato la parte intitolata e introduzione.

Giuseppe Desideri, Segretario generale UMEC

Coautore del lavoro ha curato la parte conclusiva e le conclusioni.

Arianna Fogliata, università Vanvitelli & Università telematica Pegaso

Autore del lavoro ha curato la parte dei materiali, metodi, analisi dei dati e discusione.

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2024-02-27 — Aggiornato il 2024-03-06


Come citare

Ambretti, A., Desideri, G., & Fogliata, A. (2024). Praxeology, Inclusion, and Teaching: A Field Stud. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 3(4). (Original work published 27 febbraio 2024)

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